How We Are

You Could Buy a Hat Anywhere

We know there are plenty of stores and online marketplaces where you could buy a hat. Buying a hat from Hatman Jack’s is unique. If you visit our store in Wichita, Kansas, or take a look around this site, you will begin to understand just how we are different. We don’t want to sell you a hat. We want to sell you A Hat That Fits. We educate our customers on choosing the right hat, and how to wear it. A hat, to us, is so much more than a piece of clothing that you wear to cover your head. A hat is an expression, a statement of you. We want to help you make that statement in the most flattering way, possible 

Jack Kellogg bought the store at the age of seventeen...

Since 1976, he’s shared his infectious love of head-wear with everyone from musicians and celebrities to Flint Hill cowboys,  delivered with a mix of timeless style and enthusiastic customer service.

In an era of cheap, mass-produced product and say anything salesmanship, the team at Hatman Jack’s operates in much the same manner as they did when Wichita Hatworks first opened their doors in the 1920’s. 

Quality is valued over profit and the customer’s trust is always valued over the sale.  After 45 years in the business, Jack knows quality. Both online and in his store, he has curated a collection of the finest, well-made pieces from reputable companies, sure to be enjoyed by his customers for years to come. 

Meet the Hatters

Rachelle LeValley

Rachelle spent 24 years in retail before landing in the role of store manager at Hatman Jack’s. To her, the biggest difference between her current employer and other retail establishments is the personal connection with the customer. Jack fosters an environment of passionate customer care, in every interaction. When she is searching for products to sell in the store, Rachelle is always looking for fresh, unique, quality pieces that will make your friends ask, “Where’d you get that hat?”.

Brian Strole

Brian comes from a theater background, and as a trained playwright, he understands the importance of the statement your appearance makes. Having worked at Hatman Jack’s since 2009, he finds joy in the combination  technical and mechanical craft involved in artfully shaping a hat, combined with the creative and personal aspect of really getting to know a variety of people. His favorite moment comes when a customer looks in the mirror and he can see that they know that they have found the perfect hat.

Austin Kitchen

Austin has been called an old soul by his devoted clientele, and he certainly dresses the part. Growing up, he spent so many hours watching Turner Classic movies with his grandparents, that he even began to dream in black and white. This nostalgia-tinged upbringing fostered an interest in historical re-enactments and colored his personal style with influences from actors ranging from James Cagney to Roy Rogers. When helping clients find the perfect hat, his attention to detail reveals a commitment to the level of tailoring that makes a style seem timeless.

Kelsey Coffey

Kelsey is the newest member to grace the bays of the famed Wichita Hatworks store. In addition to crafting headwear, Kelsey works with ceramics, creating artful pieces of pottery with her hands. She found that the process of molding felt under steam was a similarly creative process that enabled her to interact with some very interesting people. And like pottery, she appreciates how a hat is both an item of function, as well as style.

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